Search for Land for Sale in Chattanooga, Tennessee

The use the search below to find all available land listing currently for sale in the Greater Chattanooga Area including lots, farms, commercial properties, and homes with land. You can use the advanced search options to narrow your search by land type, size, view, and price range.

The Chattanooga Land Market

The real estate market in Chattanooga is currently quite steady rivaling just about any other metro market in the Southeastern United States. Although as a general rule in any market the actual land market including lots can be more volatile than the market as a whole. However sale prices of land over the last 24 month have remained strong and have been steadily increasing namely due to the drive of the market as a whole including increased production in the new home construction industry. As neighboring property values increase as well as the decrease of availability of prime land in the area dwindles, the future of land sales in the area seems to be bright. If you questions regarding your land needs, or would like one of our top agents to help refine an automated search for you, please contact us for assistance.