Cost of Living in Chattanooga TN

The cost of living is approximately 9% lower that the national average and typically ranges between 9-10% lower the national average. Similarly average commute times are approximately 25% less than the national average usually averaging around 20 minutes one way. Also gas prices near the I75 and I24 corridor is one of the most inexpensive places in the state to purchase gasoline.

Chattanooga Cost of Living Comparison

In comparing neighboring metro areas such as Atlanta, Huntsville, Nashville, and Knoxville, Chattanooga offer a great bang for your buck as it is one of the nicer area behind Nashville and also one of the most expensive. In comparison with Nashville, Chattanooga is considerable less expensive in comparing areas within 20 minutes of downtown. In fact homes within this distance are compatible with homes that are an hour commute from downtown. Likewise in comparison with other metros with a similar cost of living and average home values, few compare with natural beauty and cleanliness of Chattanooga. Likewise Chattanooga homes for rent offer a great value in comparison to neighboring metros for those who are not sure that they want to make Chattanooga their permanent home.